Friday, May 8, 2020

Trend Analysis in Essay Samples

Trend Analysis in Essay SamplesAn essay sample is usually composed of a sequence of questions and the essay writer should follow them, writing the overall pattern. As the trends in my industry are changing, essays for the paper must be able to adapt to the demands of this changing environment. Trend analysis is not a one size fits all approach.The best way to analyze trends in my industry is to have a separate essay for each trend that is being discussed. An essay sample should be written from the perspective of an individual whose interests and expertise are being discussed. Each topic has its own range of interests and expertise, so each essay should be unique. This is the most practical way to examine the trends in my industry because it allows the writer to be truly objective.An essay sample should never be adapted from the style of a trend that has already been discussed in an essay sample. The trend sample that is being used may have been accepted as the guide to a logical sequ ence of discussion, or the style of writing may be such that it appears obvious and easy to follow. After all, the essay sample that is being used was written by a trusted source, so the fact that it doesn't make sense in the trend of discussion used by the essay writer is not going to bode well for the essay sample itself.Trend analysis in an essay sample depends on its focus. In an essay sample that covers an entire industry, the focus should be on the big picture of the industry itself. For example, if you were writing about computer software sales, your focus should be on the issues and challenges faced by different companies in the industry. You wouldn't worry about the different price points of each company's software, but instead focus on the fact that no two software packages look the same, they have varying strengths and weaknesses, and the process for buying a software package has become less difficult with each new model that comes out.Of course, the smaller companies ten d to have different areas of specialization, so the essay sample that is written would be more specific. Your focus could be on the types of trends that are affecting small businesses in each field. But the issue with doing this is that many businesses, especially small businesses, don't have enough experience in each field to know whether trends in my industry are actually affecting their industry in any meaningful way.It's easier to write an essay using expert opinions than it is to gather your own knowledge and information to build your argument. However, if you do choose to use expert opinions as part of your essay sample, your focus needs to be on the challenges of a particular industry, the challenges that are unique to that industry, and the importance of addressing those challenges.Since the essay samples that focus on trends in my industry are designed to be unique for each individual essay, the scope of the essay sample itself should be relatively small. There are many dif ferent topics that can be covered in one individual essay, so it's hard to get a good understanding of the trends in my industry by reading lots of essays.Trend analysis in essay samples is a matter of choosing the right topic and focusing on the specific. Rather than using dozens of subjects to write an essay sample, focus on one that pertains to your expertise. Then, take the opportunity to ask the question, 'What trends in my industry are actually affecting my business?'

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