Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coming Into My Own free essay sample

Once Sonny saw that Carson and his brother were falling behind in school, she began to limit the television watching and refuse to let them play outside until their homework was done. Also she made them read two books from the library a week and they had to give her written reports on each book. After just a few weeks, Ben amazed his classmates by identifying some rock samples his teacher bought to class. Within a year, after Carson mother cracked down on him and his brother about school Ben was at the top of his class.Graduating from his high school with honors, Ben attended Yale University, where he earned a degree in Psychology. Dry. Carson interest hanged to neurosurgery when he went to the medical school of the university of Michigan. At the age of 32, Dry. Ben Carson became Johns Hopkins Hospitals Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery. With the operation to separate a pair of Siamese twins, who were born joined at the back of the head in 1987 Carson made history. We will write a custom essay sample on Coming Into My Own or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Dry. Ben was the first intra-uterine procedure to relieve pressure on the brain of a hydrocephalus fetal twin, and a hemispherical. In 2002, Dry. Ben Carson developed prostate cancer, and with that he had to cut back on his neck breaking pace. Also he was active in his case, by viewing his X-rays and going over it with the team of surgeons. Dry. Carson fully recovered from the operation cancer free. The close call with death caused Dry.Ben to adjust his time and spend more time with his wife and three children. Dry. Ben Carson has written three books Gifted Hands (1996), The Big Picture (2000) and Think Big (2006), about his personal philosophies on success, hard work, and faith in God. Dry. Benjamin Carson has received more than 50 honorary doctorate degrees and is a member of the Alpha Honor Medical Society, the Horopito Alger Society of Distinguished Americans and sits on the boards of numerous equines and education boards. Dry.

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