Monday, May 18, 2020

I Am A Good Writer - 981 Words

I have never been a good writer as far as I can remember. It has always been that way, no matter what strategies I have employed to improve my writing ability be it making an outline or planning out the paper in any way. It didn’t matter if I was doing a research paper, a reflective essay or even a personal narrative. The writing that I had done in middle school and high school was by far the worst of it. When I was little, I used to love writing. I would write about anything from dragons to adventures in space, and most of the time it wasn’t in any way related to school at all. I used to love writing because I could write about whatever I wanted and had no one to tell me that it was poorly written and no one to give me a bad grade on it. It wasn’t until I started to have to write papers for school that I began to dislike writing. I remember when I was ten, I wrote a story about two dragons fighting off hordes of knights attempting to steal the dragons gol d for the corrupt king. No one told me that I had to write a story, I wrote it on my own time over the summer and I loved every minute that I was writing. I wrote almost every day, but now that I started to get bad grades on something that I worked so hard on and being told I was an abysmal writer, it began to discourage me and push me away from the enjoyment I used to have when writing. I was a sub-par writer all throughout my time going to school, but it was the worst in my senior year of high school. I wentShow MoreRelatedMy Strengths And Strengths Of My Weaknesses1162 Words   |  5 Pagesclass has to offer, however, the only way I made it out alive was to leave the writer I thought I was in the past. There are challenges along the way that tested my strengths and showed my weaknesses. Also, I was able to realize the type of writer I am and the writer that I am not. 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